Activity Based Computing

Spatial feature is the common feature of any MIS systems, be it MIS, LIS or GIS, as because all our Government, corporate and scientific transactions have relevance or reference to the Geography only, the mother base for any activity. Reporting and communicating through the common spatial feature would ensure standards and standardizations in communicating and exchanging the information, which would exercise lot of control and direction to information management related issues in government and corporate houses for self and in conjunction to the society – the prime database for technology and secondary source for society.

Map is thus and therefore, a very powerful format, for every one in any context of ones own information needs for oneself. Concepts Map Management Information systems understand this spatial feature of MIS systems very significantly, and have identified the needs and gaps that need to be constructed and identified, thru the existing IT systems and setups only, such that proper jelling would ensure effective transfer of benefits pertaining to various projects and programs that we Remote Sensing pupil do.

The base value created by our GIS & Remote sensing technologies is of a basic value and input to many developmental programs undertaken by DOS from time to time., the primary data of our remote sensing community/technologies is thus of primary importance around which the developmental activities revolve. This is the secondary data source for society and other stake holder responsible for percolating to grass root level.

Society to understand and deploy the same in the tone it is generated and meant for, MMIS technologies have been doing research over period of decade, (while executing few Remote sensing and GIS projects for DOS) as to how the secondary source information can get integrated with context to regular stream of MIS as such that, the objectives and goals can be computed.

The model for executing this challenge needs to orient and reorient existing MIS systems to geography as because all our above said transactions have a geographic base and are acceptable to every stake holder in the process. This helps to review and manage the Databases towards its objectives of creation and transferring such contemplated value to the society by Remote sensing and GIS technologies.